Hubspot Marketing Demo review


Hubspot Marketing Demo


Our team in Sales and Marketing is currently going through the process of assessing our marketing stack to make sure we have the appropriate tools to take the next step in digital and ecommerce.  We’ve been using IBM Marketing Cloud now for over 4 years, but the technology has been so counterintuitive and the learning curve is so steep that we are looking at other options.


We’ve looked at a couple of other email platforms like Klayvio and Send in Blue, but no full fledge sub-options like HubSpot.  Have to say, I was pretty blown away by the options included in Hubspot’s Marketing Platform.  The full 360 view of all of the channels that we are currently using that are fractured seemed too good to be true.


Being able to see how a customer first visits our website and interacts with content, and then be able to follow that journey from social to email submission, all the way to purchase is exactly what we are looking for.  Along with email and ad tools that are intuitive enough that we can manage campaigns within the tool itself and not have to jump back and forth from AdWords, to IBM Watson, to Facebook Ads Manager.


Hubspot’s ability to also include AdRoll geotargeting for banner ads seemed too good to be true.  One of our unique challenges as a regional carrier is that we often have to target pretty tight areas and geographies to target for acquisition.  With the limited geotargeting options we’ve seen so far, we are really challenged with finding a tool that geotargets down to a 1 or even 2-mile radius.  We have yet to find a good option there, but I think this may be an option with Hubspot.


The cost of operating too was dramatically lower than what I had envisioned during original discussions and significantly less expensive than current stack tools.


We’re supposed to meet with a couple more marketing tech companies to look at full stack options and email marketing service over the next three weeks.  Stay tuned for more thoughts….