2019 Digital Ecosystem

Technology for ecommerce and marketing tech
Where are you going in the next 3 years with marketing tech


To create a forward facing, integrated marketing technology stack for digital engagement that is customer-centric.

Why do we need to organize our Digital ecosystem?

Continued Investment: We are at a place where we are moving forward with digital programs with platforms that we on-boarded several years ago.  We had different strategies, we had different goals, FLC wasn’t a program yet.  We are at a point where we are investing more in these digital tools based on decisions from several years ago.  We need to make sure we are moving forward with the right tools and systems.


Four Stages of a Digital Journey for our Customer

  1. I’m aware
  2. I shop, I buy
  3. I’m starting my FLC journey as a customer
  4. I renew


Current Marketing Technology

IBM Watson – Current Marketing Cloud solution that we are using for email contact with customers.

Meltwater – Current Social Media listening technology that is being used for social listening, prescheduled social media content, and direct messaging of customers on social media.

Web Analytics – Google Analytics is current website analytic tool that is used to measure success and performance of website performance, web traffic analysis, and ecommerce results

DMP (Data Management Platform) –  A DMP is a way to organize first, second, and third-party data that can be used for tactics to segment audiences, maximize digital channels, and customer experiences.

Data Visualization – GVTC currently uses Microstrategy for BI and visualization.  Some analysts use Power BI over MS

Web Tag Management – Google Tag Manager (GTM) is used for tag management and audience analysis on the website.

Experience Manager – GVTC has no current digital experience manager.

Proposed Critical Marketing Technology Solutions

DMP – BlueKai from Oracle, Adobe, Salesforce DMP

Social Media Listening – Hexagon Crimson, Sprout, Hootsuit

Social Media Content Distribution – Sprinklr, Spreadfast

Web Analytics – Google Analytics

Email Marketing Platform – Klayvio or Eloqua

Data Visualization –  Power BI, Domo, Tableau

Web Tag Management – Tealium, GTM

Customer Experience Manager – Adobe Experience Manager


Roles in building out and Digital Marketing stack

Marketing, ecommerce, and Communications – Understand the big picture and eventually make the call on tools.

Customer Service/Bob – Customer support functions need to be included in stack solutions so operations have to be a part of the decision.

IT – Will need to be involved early on in any tool discussion to help mitigate challenges with technology or integration.